Tips for an engaging post submit form thank you page

Don't waste your post form / form submit thank you page - use it to engage further with your website visitors

Your website contact form or enquiry form is in most cases the ‘call to action’ of your website and the first step towards a business transaction. This can be a general contact form, a quote request or a specific enquiry about a product or service.

For most websites an automated ‘thank you’ message is generated. To stand out from the crowd and to take this opportunity to engage further a dedicated post submit page is a great idea.

What to include on a post submit page? Here are my tips for a post submit thank you page that creates engagements.  

1.      Thank for getting in touch / enquiry.

2.      Set expectations – when to expect response.

3.      Offer way for a quicker response – phone for example

4.      Offer a way to connect – subscribe to news or join your community on socials

5.      Add a feed from latest blog post or social feed.

6.      Suggest action – navigate to another page

Post submit form thank you page example:

How to create a post submit thank you page on Squarespace?

On Squarespace, set up a new page an include all the above elements.

Once set up, link the form to this URL instead of the automated thank you message.


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